Author: admin

Find Out How Successful People Think So You May Be Successful Too

Do you think successful people are just plain lucky? Successful people did not become successful because they were lucky. They did not achieve success by accident. Being at the right place at the right time, meeting relevant people, reading the appropriate book, did not come about accidentally or by luck. Luck is brought about by…

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5 Music Funding Secrets – How Can I Fund My Music Projects Without Working a Regular Job?

The phrase “starving artist” has become a cliché because it’s often true. Indeed, it can take a long time before an independent artist starts earning enough from their music to make a living. Musicians often find themselves in the proverbial “catch-22” of having to take a regular job to fund their music but then not…

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Don’t Fall Prey to Victim Mentality

Attitude is everything. Mental attitude, no matter what the end goal is, either helps you get there or impedes your progress and one of the most damaging attitudes anyone can adopt is victim-mentality. What is victim-mentality? Victim mentality is a negative mindset. It places blame on other people and circumstances for any unhappiness felt within.”…

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Time For A New Tribe? When to Leave Outdated Alliances For a Truly Supportive Community

Do you feel as if you’ve outgrown your circle of friends? Perhaps you do not feel safe or understood any longer. There may be fewer and fewer things you can share with people in your habitual circle, and it leaves you feeling lonely or isolated. If so, you are not alone. Welcome to one of…

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Appointments – Manage Your Time Better At Home to Be Effective

What would happen to you if your home life was more organized than it is right now? Can work-life balance be achieved? What are the tools at our disposal? Could scheduling appointments and keeping them at home help us save time and prioritize? What is the challenge we face? I sometimes find that time spent…

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Live Your Life To Please God

Open your Bible to 1 Thessalonians 4:1 it says… Finally, then, brothers, we ask and urge you in the Lord Jesus, that as you received from us how you ought to walk and to please God, just as you are doing, that you do so more and more. Go ahead and highlight that scripture. Will…

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